Should you buy pre-owned jewelry from a trusted gold and silver dealer?
What do jewelers usually do with pre-owned jewelry? Now, when you sell a diamond ring to a gold and silver dealer what do you think would happen to it?
There are four possible outcomes, one is the metal will be melted down and will either be sold or reused to design a new piece of jewelry, like a new ring, bracelet or necklace.
Two, Its stone(s) may be inventoried or sold separately or three, the diamonds will be remounted into a new jewelry setting, and lastly the jeweler can leave the ring intact, clean and polish it to perfection, then resell it.
Pre-owned Jewelry Advantages
Buying pre-owned jewelry is much cheaper and you get the same quality or possibly even better quality than what you might get when purchasing promotional grade jewelry, that is extremely cheap.
Gold and Silver delears sell pre-owned gold, silver, diamond and platinum jewelry and offer discounts that can sometimes reach 30-70%. This is a jewelry purchasing option that you should not overlook considering how expensive jewelry can be in most jewelry stores.
Where to Find the Best Pre-owned Jewelry
You will not find this type of jewelry at the brand name "big box" jewelry stores that sell their jewelry at inflated prices.
You will find these excellent jewelry deals at independent jewelry stores, especially stores that are big buyers from the general public. They typically have a nice selection of jewelry, diamonds and more at discounted prices.
A bargain should you buy it?
You don't want to pay a full and expensive price for something that is pre-owned, right? When buying pre-owned jewelry, you need to be extra careful and address any of your concerns by thoroughly inspecting and asking questions about the piece. To save some money you can consider burying it.
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